Saturday, 5 March 2011

a nervous itch

well, the experimental med-free thing seems to be going well. I can't honestly say I'm feeling a whole lot worse without, so I have no immediate plans to get back on them. The bonus plus side is that I could share a bottle of beer last night...oh the joy!
The only development in symptoms I've had since my last post is the development of an infuriating (but occasional) itch around my hip area. It occurred before I finished taking the meds, so I doubt it is withdrawal symptoms (although that can be one of the symptoms). It's an annoying one; if you try to scratch the itch it moves deeper in and becomes an internal tickle...confirms to me that it's definitely a neuro thing, rather than skin.
Yesterday I invested in my resolve to sort out a fitness programme, I bought myself a swimming costume, and today I'm going to find out what aqua-fitness courses they run in the area. I'm actually really looking forward to it, and even dreamed I was doing aerobics at the bus stop last night!


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