Wednesday, 10 August 2016

well enough for attitude!

Things are pretty good for me at the moment. I've still got shitty legs, cog fog, fatigue etc etc. but after recovering from some unrelated major surgery, I'm feeling better than I have done in a good few years! I am getting my mojo back! I guess that's what inspired the following feisty poem that popped into my head the other day (copied from my Facebook post)......

I just wrote a pome!
It's rough n ready but here it is.. I dedicate it to anyone who has given me THAT look (if you're chronically ill/disabled then I don't need to explain. If you don't know what that look is, read on! )
Piss Off With Your Pity!
If we cross paths
Don't ask me "how ARE you?"
With the face you reserve
For a puppy with flu!
Relax your eyebrows,
Unhunch your shoulders,
I'm not made of glass
And I'm not going to puke!
I've got a condition
That makes me wobbly,
Sleepy sometimes
And a brain like a sieve.
But the rest of me's normal
(in a manner of speaking! )
And I've buckets of laughter
And loving to give.
So please don't reduce me
In your little mind's eye
To a snivelling, whimpering,
Pitiful waif.
I'm a survivor, a warrior,
A feisty old fucker
Who loves every minute
Of her pitiful life!

It is rough and ready, and there's things I would change about it if I went back to it, but it does sum up something that really gets to me. I know people are just thinking kindly, sympathetic things, when they pull "that face" at me, but from my point of view it feels like all they can see are my ailments! It's fair enough to ask questions and be genuinely interested in my health and wellbeing, but just keep your sad-face in check and try not to feel sorry for me cos I don't want it! :)

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